Saturday, October 27, 2012

Caroline and District Volunteer Ambulance Service has new building

Photos and captions by Helge Nome

Photos of Caroline Ambulance volunteers, past and present

New ambulance hall sleeping quarters

Kitchen/living area

Workout center for ambulance volunteers

Old faithful - this ambulance has seen long service and is due to be replaced

Entry into ambulance garage from residential quarter

Ambulance history presentation created some merry moments - early volunteer and ambulance board president, Dwight Oliver and operations manager and long time volunteer Yvonne Evans.

The new ambulance building is officially open - ambulance service founder Andrew Moffat, board president Dwight Oliver, operations  (and building construction) manager Yvonne Evans and board member Vern Graham

Caroline and District Ambulance founder Andrew Moffat (right) unveils  plaque originally created in 2002 upon Andrew Moffat's retirement from the service. Assisted by ambulance board president Dwight Oliver.

Caroline District Ambulance - an accredited service

Online memorial to dedicated early volunteers on the Caroline and District Ambulance Service

First ambulance EMTs - Barb Proudler with Andrew and Daphne Moffat

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